Solu Digital is a company founded in 2011 that provides information management services to all types of organizations. Our business supports the sustainable development of our client companies with solutions that promote good governance, information accessibility, transparency, traceability, and resource efficiency in information management and green transition.
Management practices and good governance
Solu Digitalin toimintaa säätelevät voimassa olevat lait, viranomaismääräykset, yhtiöjärjestys ja osakassopimus. Solu Digitalin tapa toimia ei syrji ketään, pyrkii tarjoamaan kaikille mahdollisuuden menestyä työssään ja kannustaa avoimuuteen.

We follow good governance by ensuring our work community has internal guidelines describing responsibility relationships and decision-making processes. The company’s board of directors is responsible for updating the guidelines. The implementation of responsibility is assessed annually.
Responsibility goals
Our corporate responsibility goals are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We support the promotion of all 17 goals and have chosen three of them as the most central to our operations:
Decent work and economic growth
Our people are our greatest asset. We develop the knowledge and resources of our people to be more diverse, regardless of the employee’s race, gender, sexual orientation, health status, or physical limitations, by building an inclusive culture in our work community.
Our goal is to have zero accidents and zero cases of burnout permanently.
Our remuneration policy encourages the work community to develop more responsible operating methods. The criteria for the bonus system are entirely derived from the company’s common goals, including issues related to responsibility.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
We help clients harness the tools and skills that drive digitalization and benefit knowledge management.
We leverage artificial intelligence in our solutions and services in a fair, responsible, explainable, and understandable way.
Climate action
We commit to promoting a clean and functional environment, which is a part of our company values, by following the principles of sustainable development and life cycle design.
We have long offered our employees the flexible option of remote working to reduce emissions from commuting. Promoting remote working aims to reduce our carbon footprint.
We also encourage our employees to use public transport and cycling to work whenever possible.
Solu Digital’s responsible business is based on partnerships in value chains and collaboration in producing future solutions.
Reliable Partner
We want to support our client companies in fulfilling their obligations under the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability, and that is why we are involved in Vastuu Group’s Reliable Partner service.

Microsoft Partner Pledge

We are a member of Microsoft’s Partner Pledge program, which drives social and environmental impact. As a leading developer of digital teamwork and a Microsoft partner, we share Microsoft’s vision of empowering every person and organization to achieve more. Together, Microsoft and its partners can and do have a big impact.
Read more about our Partner Pledge: Solu Digital promotes the digitization of organizations together with Microsoft
Achieving responsibility in 2024
The competence and well-being of our employees are at the core of our strategy, and we are actively working towards them. We all have the opportunity to be heard. We routinely follow operating procedures that strengthen mutual trust in the virtual work of our distributed team.
In 2024, we had zero accidents and zero cases of burnout.

Our work community’s carbon footprint consists mainly of
- the heating and lighting of our workspaces,
- the energy consumed by work equipment,
- the limited travel between home and work or to customers,
- the consumption of resources in the cloud services we utilize.

According to the Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA calculation method used to calculate the carbon footprint of Microsoft 365 cloud services, one of our employees contributes 151 g of carbon equivalent per month.